Pause. That word… We throw it around a lot, don’t we? ‘Honey, pause the film, please, I want to go grab some water.’ ‘Pause here, I want to expand on this a little bit to clarify a few things that are happening in this chunk of text.’ ‘It’s too bad we don’t have a pause button for the kids so they can settle down for a few minutes!’
It’s true, life doesn’t come with such a thing, does it… And
yet… it kind of does.
We just don’t acknowledge
that it does.

thinking about the Gospel Reading for today, it reminds us that our
Beloved Lord does, in fact, offer us a pause button. ‘Come
to Me, all you who are burdened and heavy-laden. I will give you
rest.’ In a real way, this is
our Beloved Lord inviting us, calling us, not only to a relationship
with Him but a conversation
with Him. In the Catechism,
it says,
the act of creation, God calls every being from nothingness into
existence. “Crowned with glory and honor,” man is, after the
angels, capable of acknowledging “how majestic is the Name of the
Lord in all the earth.” Even after losing through his sin his
likeness to God, man remains an image of his Creator, and retains the
desire for the One Who calls him into existence. All religions bear
witness to men’s essential search for God.
forget his Creator or hide far from His Face; he may run after idols
or accuse the deity of having abandoned him; yet the living and true
God tirelessly calls each person to that mysterious encounter known
as prayer. In prayer, the faithful God’s initiative of love always
comes first; our own first step is always a response. As God
gradually reveals Himself and reveals man to Himself, prayer appears
as a reciprocal call, a covenant drama. Through words and actions,
this drama engages the heart. It unfolds throughout the whole
history of salvation.’ – CCC 2566-67
in most cases, the words ‘pause’
and ‘rest’ aren’t
always synonymous with each other, when life gets to be too much,
‘rest’ can be a wonderful way to shut everything off and just be.
‘Come to Me,
all you who are heavy laden, I will give you rest.’
All of us.
Our Beloved Lord is inviting all of us
to come to Him for that sweet peace He’s offering us. We, as
people grow weary with all the things we have to do on the daily,
but we forget that our Lord does not grow weary of anything, as
Isaiah reminds us (Isaiah 40.28).
He is strong and can carry us in His Hands as long as we let Him.
peace is the image and fruit of the peace of Christ, the messianic
“Prince of Peace.” By the Blood of His Cross, “in His Own
Person He killed the hostility,” He reconciled men with God and
made His Church the sacrament of the unity of the human race and of
its union with God. “He is our peace.” He has declared:
“Blessed are the peacemakers.”’
– CCC 2305

we pray to the Father, we are in communion with Him and with His Son
Jesus Christ. Then we know and recognize Him with an ever new sense
of wonder. The first phrase of the Our Father is a blessing of
adoration before it is a supplication. For it is the glory of God
that we should recognize Him as “Father,” the true God. We give
Him thanks for having revealed His Name to us, for the gift of
believing in it, and for the indwelling of His Presence in us.’ –
CCC 2781
I’ll take it.

when our Beloved Lord came to earth in Human Form, it was most
assuredly not because
He was bored, and it definitely was not because He was sick
and tired of us not listening to Him.
He did it out of love.
He did it out of a sense of Parental Joy to draw us in,
in such a way where we would feel comfortable enough to approach Him.
He set aside His Glorified Form to be with us in the most intimate
way He could. Because He cares that deeply and loves us that
overwhelmingly to bring us to Him. Doing this, it’s to show us,
‘Hey! You are comfortable going to another person, so I’m going
to take on Personhood and help you feel more comfortable in confiding
in Me, too. I’ve got you.’
I had this whole other article written about today’s readings, but
after the events of last night and today unfolded, I felt that that
wasn’t written well enough to fully show what the Gospel Reading
taught me in my own world.
I feel like with all the Christmas prep
we’re all going through – whether it’s trying to figure out
where we’re spending the holiday if it’s at Grandma’s or
Auntie and Uncle’s, or even a restaurant so we don’t have to
worry about fickle guests
griping about what’s on the menu for the dinner at home, everyone
can order what they want and everyone’s happy, or if it’s we are
hosting at our own home and people are coming to us, so it’s time
to scramble and get the house nice and tidy so people can come in and
make comments about how neat and shiny the baseboards are (sorry,
couldn’t resist.) – I know I and my neighbour are not the only
two people in this little planet going through chaos and frustration
right now trying to get things organized. I know there’s someone
else out there, probably all of you, maybe only a handful of you, I
don’t know, who needs to see that we complain we don’t have a
pause button for our lives, but to highlight the fact that we
actually do. We just don’t dare take the opportunity to experience
it and to enjoy it for what it is: our Beloved Lord wanting to pull
us onto His lap and wrap His strong Arms around us in the warmest
Embrace we could ever know and whisper into our ear in the sweetest
Voice, ‘I have you. It’s okay. Just stay here and rest awhile.
Don’t worry. It’s all going to be okay. You’ll see, I won’t
abandon you to figure things out on your own!’
humble and trusting heart that enables us “to turn and become like
children”: for it is to “little children” that the Father is
prayer is accomplished] by the contemplation of God alone, and by the
warmth of love, through which the soul, molded and directed to love
Him, speaks very familiarly to God as to its own Father with special
Father: at this Name love is aroused in us … and the confidence of
obtaining what we are about to ask… What would He not give to His
children who ask, since He has already granted them the gift of being
His children?’ – CCC 2785
St Alphonsus de Liguori once said, ‘What does it cost us
to say, “My God, help me! Have mercy on me!” Is there anything
easier than this? And this little will suffice to save us if we be
diligent in doing it.’
In what ways
do you reach out and ask Him for His help?
This is a beautiful post. Thank you for creating it and sharing it with hearts that need it today,