20 November 2016

Late-night chatter....

Hello out there!

Yesterday (Saturday) was incredibly cold.  I did the stuff I set out to do, and then took a 3 1/2 hour nap.  ^_^  Had a cuddle with my dog and one of the cats decided to join in on the cuddle-fest, I downloaded a jigsaw puzzle app to my Kindle, and just lazed in bed with my pets while putting jigsaw puzzles together.  Artist Date Day:  successful.

Right now, I'm just sitting here listening to Audioslave and did some writing.  Got caught up on e-mail, confirmed a new friend who'd added me to Goodreads, and now I'm just letting YouTube do its thing in finding random stuff to play.  Right now it's Soundgarden.  No biggie, I like them, always have.  Had me back at "Black Hole Sun" in the early 90s.  ;)

Today I think I'm going to stay indoors.  It's supposed to be cold again.  Blargh.  Right now, it's a real feel of 16.  SIXTEEN.  Friday it was in the mid-70s.  Ha.

What's everyone's plans for the upcoming holidays?  We're doing taco salad for Thanksgiving.  I don't know how to do a turkey, and quite honestly I'm not a big fan of ham.  I like to keep things simple, and I don't want to make a huge dinner for just four people.  That is all that's going to be here.  I've invited two people, and that's it.  I'm not doing a huge to-do.  Not interested in being crowded into my living room.

Christmas is going to be a small thing, too.  Likely just going to be just us this year.  Not going to do a party like last year.  Last year was fun and all, but this year... Noooo, I'll just keep it small, keeps the bullshit outside.  There's a couple people I really DON'T want here, because I really can't figure out how to endure two narcisissts in my living room without wanting to punch someone for disrespecting my house (and I KNOW it's gonna happen if I invite either of these two individuals to my home).  Nope.  Just going to be us and MAYBE a couple other people, but it'll be on a date that only those people know about, and that's it, because I don't need the butthurt messages of, "why didn't you invite me" and I have to bust out the crayons and construction paper and try to explain as simply as I can that I don't really want them here.

Thinking for dinner on Christmas about doing maybe pepperoni roll or chicken roll, but for sure doing homemade eggnog.  ^_^  Looking forward to that pretty hardcore.  We're doing a 3' tree, and what ornaments don't fit on the tree, I'm going to get my yarn out and string the extra ornaments up in the dining room window.  We're getting a little tree because though the animals we had at the time last year did pretty well with the tree we had, we didn't have our newest cat last year, and he's kind of a madman, so not sure how he'll do, so we're going with a little tree.  :)  'sides, don't want to try to crowd the furniture around anywhere to accommodate a bigger tree, anyway.

Today I'm going to noodle around and try to find some stuff for tutoring my student, to make reading more fun for him.  He's five, so he's still learning.  I'm addicted to the written word (obviously), so I love engaging in conversations about books and with him being so young, I'm trying to find ways where it'll be exciting for him rather than boring.  I've got today to work on it, since my schedule changed because his Mom's changed a little.  I'm now Monday through Thursday with him, which is totally fine.  Gives me Friday through Sunday to find new and interesting ways of working with him that'll be fun.  So far, I've found some neat things on Pinterest, things that can easily be done after a quick trip to Family Dollar to pick up items I need that I don't already have on-hand here at home.  Someone on the Introverts group I'm in on Facebook, she suggested some neat ideas, too, that she's used while homeschooling her children.  With winter pretty much POUNDING on the door and wanting Fall to step aside so it can barge in and have its fun, I'm trying to find stuff we can do indoors.  One thing she'd suggested was some kind of word hopscotch game.  My first thought was, "Ooooh, that'd be FUN" and the immediate thought following that one was, "Thankfully I'm on the bottom floor so I'm not disturbing my neighbours."  Ha ha  I have also downloaded a couple children's books to my Kindle, too, to show my student, and have him read them, too, as we go along so he can get the hang of sentences and whatnot.

There's so many ideas I want to employ.  Good thing I've got a way to write them all down so I have a reference point.  :)

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